Atfield Technologies


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Atfield Technologies

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20220127_085810.jpgAtfield Technologies launched Winessense on the Serbian market during 2020 as a unique digital tool for winegrowers, covering all aspects of grape growing, from measuring weather parameters to risk and quality assessment, all based on the use of artificial intelligence as a basis for estimates. Viticulture is an agricultural activity that carries high risks, but also high gains. Many winegrowers have experienced 20% losses in at least one of the the past five years. To prevent such a scenario, intensive protection measures are taken, but as vineyards are often scattered across  different locations, monitoring activities become complex and challenging. Winessese is a solution for digital transformation of vineyards, combining sensing, data and visualization components, and offering a solution for fully automated continuous monitoring of all micro locations. The system independently identifies and assesses risks in vineyards, informs users about possible actions and points out segments that require special attention. It also creates a digital records of weather conditions during the season that are paired with a qualitative outcome and thus for the first time creates a digital view of each vineyard’s performance that is essential for later assessment of the value of the vineyard.


The product is intended for wine grape growers. According to OIV data (International Organization of Vine and Wine) for 2018/2019, 7.4 MHa of arable land is covered in vine, with more than 70% with wine grapes, thus the total  market is some 5 MHa. The market is trully global, and grapevine cultivation takes place on all five continents, although, objectively, the largest areas under vineyards are in Europe. The first five countries by area under grapes are Spain (0.95MHa), China (0.87MHa), France (0.79MHa), Italy (0.7MHa) and the USA (0.43MHa). In Eastern and Southeastern Europe, i.e. in the wider region of Serbia, there are more than 0.5 MHa of vineyards, so the local market is significant.


The team involves experts with decade-long experience in marketing and sales, fields such as data processing and machine learning, Earth observation, project management with traditional and agile methodologies, user experience ,  as well as an reputable international winegrower with an advisory role in framing the best use cases.


Company has clients in 4 countries on two continents. It has started to gather interest for the seed round targeted at further growth.  Simultaneously and continuously, it is searching for relevant wine and agriculture industry contacts with high business relevance. This said, all the interested parties are genuinely welcome to join and take part in the mutual business progress.

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